Monday 24 November 2008

This is still an issue?

My husband and I went to a party for his work last weekend. We had fun, but unfortunately, I can't escape my "teen parent" label for even one night. Here’s the story. We sat at a table with his colleagues whom I have never met. I was talking to the husband of a woman my husband works with (hereafter known as the Amazon woman from hell). We were sitting there talking about turkeys for Thanksgiving - organic vs regular – inhuman farming of turkeys etc. Dumb crap that is pretty boring actually. Again, these are complete strangers, so what else do you talk about but dumb crap?

There was a pause in conversation and the Amazon woman from hell says to me,

“So how old were you when you had your first child?”

Now I have dealt with this question a million times in my life. I find it to be a bit blunt and rude, but I’m used to people asking. However, generally it happens when we are in a conversation about my kids so I’m a bit more prepared for it. I nearly choked on my salad because it was so out of the blue.

I answered, “17.”
“You were so young.”
“Do you regret it?”

I am not kidding. She actually said that. Out loud. At a table with 10 strangers.

“Absolutely not!”
“But you had your other children when you were older?”
“Don’t you now wish you wouldn’t have had one so young?”

Seriously hideous right? But wait, it gets better.

“No, actually I wish I had my other two when I was younger!” I pause and add a light laugh to lift the tone of this wretchedly uncomfortable conversation, “I’m incredibly tired now.”
“Well, I waited to have my first child until I was 36. When I think now about having a child when I was, say 20, I was so immature and so selfish, having a child at that age would’ve been so wrong for the child.”


“Well, everyone is different I guess.”

At that point I turned and kept my back to her and her husband for the rest of the meal.

Again, I have dealt with people’s shock and dismay my entire adult life. I have to say, it’s always a bit annoying and it does sometimes hurt, but this was probably the worst and most distressing conversation I have EVER had. I know people have their opinions about young mothers and most probably believe that having children at 17 is a very bad thing – almost on the same page as murder in some circles. I hear it thrown out as the litmus test for parenting all the time, "Yes, your daughter may have failed geometry in high school. She may have dabbled in drugs and snuck out of the house nearly every weekend - but hey, AT LEAST SHE DIDN'T GET PREGNANT." I try not to take that personally.

I have been verbally accosted in incredibly inappropriate and aggressive ways before. When I was pregnant, people would come up to me at least once a day and ask if I had "picked parents for my child" because they knew a "wonderful, married, rich deserving couple who woud love my baby and give it every opportunity." Oh - excuse me and your name is??? It's a amazing how my teenage pregnancy and subsequent parenting have been assumed to be a matter suitable for public opinion.

However obnoxious and oblivious the comments are generally, very rarely have people actually accused me to my face of ruining my child’s life just by having her (although, it has happened more often than I care to remember). I am so angry at what the Amazon woman from hell said to me. Not only because of the audacity of it, but mostly because when I know the conversation is coming – when I meet someone new and they ask about how old my kids are - I am automatically prepared with my standard deflective phrases. She caught me so completely off guard that I had nothing witty or biting to say back to her. What also pissed me off is that my husband was engaged in a conversation with the woman next to him and missed the whole thing, so he didn’t intervene or speak on my behalf. I felt so alone and pushed into a corner and interrogated. It was weird. I'm not that easily intimidated.

What’s bugging me still and why I'm writing this is all of the things running through my head now. The fact that in reality, I feel like a terrible mother almost all the time. But usually not to my oldest. She’s the one I feel is my success story. I know she had to deal with a lot of different issues and more complicated situations than my other kids, but they are still works in progress and with her - I'm now simply putting the icing on a very well-cooked, and beautifully formed, cake.

I've already raised a child who displays incredible intelligence (emotional and mental), logic, honesty, warmth and compassion. All of these things I believe – no - rephrase - I KNOW – she gained from her experiences growing up with me. I realize she was born who she is - I'm not attempting to take credit for creating those wonderful personality traits, but living her life gave her a chance to flex her emotional muscles and grow as a person herself. I am lucky to have her, and grateful for that inner strength of hers which allowed me to be imperfect and gain my footing as a young, single parent and yet somehow emerge an experienced, battle-scarred, parenting genius! I have no doubt she can look back at her life and complain about my parenting (she has to have someone to blame for everything right?), but she is mature beyond her years and a wonderfully successful, thoughtful, law-abiding, well-adjusted adult - and best of all - SHE DIDN'T GET PREGNANT!! What more can anyone want from parenting than that?

I rock.

I know – I’m being defensive and I shouldn’t be. I am so bothered that this woman got to me. I wish I had another chance at that conversation and I would KICK HER AMAZON ASS!


Anonymous said...

Although I love the response of "I actually wish I had the other two when I was younger."

It's still fun to come up with some after the fact anyway - the first response that came to my mind after her next comment was -
"Oh thank goodness I wasn't like you! I loved raising my daughter."

But I settled on "Well, as we all know, selfishness and immaturity aren't simply connected to ones age. Those traits can definitely linger well into adulthood."

I'm sure you have better, but the socially incorrect amazon woman was revealing her own ineptitude, not yours - and deserved to be laughed at, or pitied, - I hate that it got to you!

Jennifer Nikole said...

What a Bitch! I don't have anything whitty to say, because I can never come up with those type of comments until it's too late.

I personally like being a young mom. I am glad I had Taegan really young now that I look back.

I don't get people who have a problem with it, and I don't understand why amazon woman from hell and others try to make others feel like shit for being young. Is it because they are jealous in some way?

I think you are a good mom. You did a good job with Raychel and she is one of my favorite people.

Anonymous said...

So her question came right out of the blue? Wow. Hard to imagine where that question was meant to go- she obviously feels insecure about having her first child so old and was looking for reassurance. Your extremely mature handling of the situation goes to show how happy you truly are with Raychel. And I know you well enough that you're not one to necessarily hold your tongue! Her agressive line of questioning without any diplomacy or tack goes to show her continuing lack of maturity. I am sorry it happened to you, but perhaps how it affected you days after was more a response to her hostile way of speaking to you. Surprised she didn't get into it about turkeys first. And perhaps your confident, easy, non-agressive answers will have somehow reached her inner mind and softened her view just a little.